About the working experience
We arrange work placement in companies for students in vocational education according to their specialisation. Our partners are experts in the field and integrate the trainees into their companies, giving them insight into company’s internal processes. Participants are placed individually or in groups of two or three and communicate with their mentors and colleagues only in English.
The internships last from two weeks to six months. Students will not only complete their obligatory vocational training, thus improving their CV and increasing future chances of getting a good job, but also gain new experience and knowledge, establish contacts for the future, improve their English and much more. All internships are certified with the Europass Mobility Certificate and we are ready to prepare every working programme within ECVET.
Participants can look forward to high-quality specialised programme in companies and to experiencing different culture. In their free time, they will discover Czech historical sites and the picturesque landscape. Cultural and leisure activities are included in the mobility in order to make their stay even more enjoyable.
There are three locations in the Czech Republic where participants can be placed – Prague (the capital of Czechia), Ceske Budejovice (Budweis) and Tabor. Each location offers work placements for different fields of study, do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
We organise internships in the following fields of study:
Electrical Engineering
Internships in Electrical Engineering are aimed at individuals studying to be classified as repairers, installers or maintenance workers specialised in manufacture of electronic products, automation, measurement and control technology, computer and consumer electronics, transmission equipment and other areas where electronic equipment and instruments are deployed.
During the internship, the students/interns will:
- work with technical documentation and read electronic diagrams
- use measuring devices – measure electrical and non-electrical quantities, input and output values
- assist with various types of installation
- assemble, adjust, commission and operate electronic systems
- diagnose & test electronic systems
Information Technology
Internships in Information Technology are aimed at individuals studying to be classified as IT technicians, user support specialists, programmers, application managers, operating system administrators, network administrators and IT equipment dealers. They can work in the fields of design, implementation and maintenance of HW solutions, application programming and development, installation and management of operating systems and application software, design, implementation and administration of networks or IT sales and related consultancy.
During the internship, the students/interns will:
- install, configure and manage operating systems
- secure HW fault detection & troubleshooting and upgrade
- repair and maintain computer equipment
- install, configure and manage an application software
- design and implement computer networks with regard to their intended purpose
- secure network element configuration
- provide computer network administration
- create websites
- create graphic design
Business Administration
Internships in Business Administration are aimed at individuals studying to be classified as professionals in all areas of economics, such as qualified assistants, head clerks or entrepreneurs. They are likewise educated in accounting in a commercial enterprise and in trading companies and other legal entities.
During the internship, the students/interns will:
- compose documents in a standardised format
- learn how to effectively negotiate with business partners
- participate in communication with customers
- represent the company and co-create its image
- conduct market research, use marketing tools and principles for presenting the business and its products
- program and develop user, database and web solutions
Internships in Gastronomy are aimed at individuals studying to be classified as cooks, chefs, waiting staff, and restaurant/hotel workers. They are employed in middle management positions in the field of gastronomy, in work activities related to the operation of gastronomic restaurants and other catering establishments. They can provide professional catering and perform operational and commercial business activities either as employees or as self-employed.
During the internship, the students/interns will:
- learn to prepare dishes of Czech cuisine
- practise rules for correct distribution and storage of food
- familiarise with the range of meals and beverages in their gastronomy utility
- organisationally ensure preparation and implementation of gastronomic events
- use marketing tools for the presentation of gastronomic shop, offer services and products
- gain knowledge of the newest marketing and sales tools used by restaurants
Mechanical Engineering
Internships in Mechanical Engineering are aimed at individuals studying to be classified as programmers of numerically controlled machines and lines, workers in lower and middle technical positions in production management or technological preparation of production, workshop masters or production managers. They can occupy technical or economic positions in the field of mechanical engineering.
During the internship, the students/interns will:
- design and construct machine components (including computer-aided design)
- learn how to determine suitable production procedures
- use technical equipment: tools, production equipment and the conditions of technology
- program NC simple motion cycles and other programmable automats
- evaluate the technical state of machinery and other equipment, maintain and repair them
- measure basic technical and electrical quantities
Building Construction
Internships in Building Construction are aimed at individuals studying to be classified as construction technician-designers, construction technicians trained for the preparation and implementation of investment projects and engineering, construction technologists, and technical officers. They can occupy middle technical-economic positions in construction or run their own business in this area.
During the internship, the students/interns will:
- learn to work with different kinds of construction materials and structures
- perform concrete constructional work and shuttering
- perform geodetic measurements
- assist with building renovation
- design simple building constructions
- design simple structural elements and technological procedures of building constructions
- prepare design documentation
Internships in Hospitality are aimed at individuals studying to be classified as hospitality workers and hotel employees, receptionists or catering managers. They can work in the field of gastronomy, hospitality and tourism and perform employment activities related to commercial, operational and technical-economic functions in catering and accommodation facilities.
During the internship, the students/interns will:
- perform reception services
- organise and manage accommodation services at the hotel
- organise and carry out gastronomy activities, manage catering operations
- manage catering events in terms of organisational and economic aspects
- work with information technology when providing services in accommodation facilities
- gain knowledge obout business activities of hotels and other hospitality-related businesses
Internships in Forestry are aimed at individuals studying to be classified as foresters. They can work in the field of management and economic use of forest, in the governal administration, in independent business activities in forestry services, hunting, in nature conservation, in the sale of forestry technology, in the sale of wood and other forest products, in primary wood production, etc. They will be also able to find employment in logging operations, forest growth (cultivation) and forestry repairs and servicing.
During the internship, the students/interns will:
- perform activities related to the cultivation of forests
- work with hand tools and instruments
- provide care and protection to the cultures and young growths
- carry out the production of wooden handles, fences, hunting equipment and small wood products
- perform and organise activities related to environment and landscape protection
- perform activities related to the forest regeneration after the bark beetle infestation
Car Mechanic
Internships in Car Mechanic are aimed at individuals studying to be classified as car mechanics, motor and vehicle service workers or installation workers. Their working tasks are primarily adjusting, caring, repairing and testing motor vehicles. They can thus work as car mechanics in car repair shops or manufacturing industry, workshops of large transport, agricultural, etc. companies, but also in technical inspection stations, etc.
During the internship, the students/interns will:
- perform regular and medium-difficult repairs of road motor vehicles
- find out the technical condition of vehicles, using measuring and diagnostic tools, equipment, and devices
- perform prescribed guarantee and post-guarantee inspections
- perform maintenance and medium-difficult repairs of wiring and electrical equipment of vehicles
- check and set the parameters prescribed by the manufacturer
- test the functioning of aggregates and test drive repaired vehicles.
Internships in Agriculture are aimed at individuals studying to be classified as agricultural technicians – agriculturists, cattle breeders, farmers, merchants with agricultural products, cultivators, agricultural services salesmen, agricultural technology salesmen, or independent businessmen in the area of agriculture. They can occupy middle technical and economic positions in the agro-complex or run business in this area.
During the internship, the students/interns will:
- perform and organise work activities in plant growing
- perform and organise work activities in animal breeding
- process agricultural products
- perform and organise work activities regarding landscape protection and creation
- perform and organise work activities regarding countryside development
Internships in Tourism are aimed at individuals studying to be classified as travel office or agency employees, information centre employees, receptionists, tour guides and public administration employees in travel business development. They can occupy middle management positions in the travel business, performing work activities related to the offer and sale of trips, tour guiding, provision of accommodation, dining, transportation, spa, information and other tourism and travel-related services.
During the internship, the students/interns will:
- get to know historical attractions in Prague and use this knowledge to prepare trips
- assess information for tour guiding, assist during guided tours in Prague and keep tour guiding paperwork
- provide information services to the clients
- use marketing tools for preparing offers and promoting products in the travel business
- keep business paperwork
- communication with clients
- ensure basic operations in personnel management
Internships in Carpentry/Joinery are aimed at individuals studying to be classified as carpenters or joiners. They can be employed in the field of wood-processing industry, woodworking production, furniture making, furniture installing, or they can run their own business in the specific area.
During the internship, the students/interns will:
- learn the technology of making joinery/carpentry products
- make repairs to joinery/carpentry products
- read and make simple production plans and drafts for joinery/carpentry products
- renovate, assemble and install furniture
- work wood by hand
- work wood using a machine

„I enjoyed my stay in the Czech Republic very much! I worked at the Hilton Hotel for 10 days with my friends and I had a chance to taste and learn how to cook several Czech dishes. I strongly recommend the internship to anyone who wants to experience something exciting.“
Mateusz, 17 y.o.

„Doing my training in Turístico was such a great experience! The internship in Prague was definitely a very good decision that I will never regret. The historical city is beautiful and I enjoyed spending time there.“
Sara, 18 y.o.

„I took part in Erasmus+ programme in Prague where I worked as a receptionist in Hoffmeister hotel. The job was accurate to my knowledge and I was happy to work there. Also, I appreciate the organisation of the internship and the free-time activities that were fun. I will remember the experience from the Czech Republic forever!“
Diogo, 19 y.o.

„I spent my internship in Neruda Hotel in Prague. The working experience in the Czech Republic was really valuable and I enjoyed spending time there a lot! It helped me to deepen my knowledge in the field that I study, also, I learned new skills which I appreciate the most. I had fun in the Czech Republic!“
Sofia, 17 y.o.